Your selected summaries are provided below. Use them to help you to think about how your own ID assessment design could be developed further.
This page will produce a report to help that will include the examples you have selected. There is space to include notes about how your ID assessment design can or does respond to each of the six themes and the examples. The coloured lozenges show your initial search settings. Use the examples you have found to inform your thinking. Download description pdfs to explore the selected summaries in more detail if you haven’t already.
Each pdf includes notes that refer to the six filters, and the benchmarking questions below.
More information about Benchmarking, and the support of ID teaching through assessment design is provided in pop-outs and downloadable pdfs. When you have included your notes and ideas for your ID assessment design in the spaces below, use ‘Create Report‘ for a pdf document that will combine these with the summaries you selected.
If you would like to search again using different settings for the filters, use the ‘Search again’ button.
Summary | Coding Overview | Assessment Tasks Overview |